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Work Experience

Frederick University, Cyprus, School of Engineering
Frederick Research Center,Cyprus

Mar 2022 - to date: Associate Professor, Senior Researcher

Mar 2018 - Feb 2022: Assistant Professor, Senior Reseacher
June 2012 – Feb 2018: Visiting Lecturer, Researcher

  • Founder and Academic Supervisor of Sustainable Energy Research Group (SERG) at Frederick University and Frederick Research Centre. link

  • Researcher in twenty two (22) projects, two of which as coordinator. Awarded grants: 3.2 M€ link

  • Consultant in sixteen (16) consultancy projects for the public sector, thirteen (13) of which as coordinator. Awarded grants: 483 k€ link

  • Featured since 2020 in the World's Top 2% Scientists in the field of Energy and Building and Construction, according to the Stanford ranking. link

  • Coordinator of Master’s Degree Programme of Frederick University in Sustainable Energy Systems/ Energy Engineering (on campus) link

  • Coordinator of joint Master’s Degree Programme between Open University Cyprus and Frederick University in Sustainable Energy Systems (Distance Learning) (2015-2023)

  • Coordinator of Vocational Studies for Technicians Department, at Frederick Institute of Technology (2013-2018) link

  • Lecturer of Energy, Fluid Mechanics and Process Engineering related courses in 8 programs of study (Civil Engineering, Quantity Surveying, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, MSc in Oil and Gas, MSc in Energy Systems and the Built Environment, MSc in Engineering Management, Oil and Gas Technicians) link

  • Establishment of quality management system in SERG and certification with ISO 9001

  • Development of research laboratories and infrastructure, exclusively funded by research projects for

    • solid fuels and biomass analysis link

    • solid biomass peletting center link

    • digital twins for the built environment link

    • experimental building physics link

    • solar thermal systems link

    • heating boilers link and  air conditioning lab link

  • Supervisor of three (3) PhD graduates, five (5) PhD candidates, and over hundrer thirty (130) student’s final year projects and MSc thesis. link

Euphyia Tech Ltd, Cyprus

Sep 2021 - to date

Founder and CEO

  • Founder and CEO of Euphyia Tech Ltd, a spin off for tools and services related to the assessment of smart buildings. link

  • Researcher in three (3) EU funded research projects link

  • Active Member of Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) platform WG2 (Maintenance & potential extension of the SRI calculation methodology) - Technical Assistance for testing the implementation of SRI under the EPBD

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
​May 2017 – to date

Chief Researcher

  • Chief Researcher, Research Group Sustainable Energy in the Built Environment link

  • Coordinator in one (1) EU funded research project link

  • Supervisor of one (1) PhD candidate link

Technical University of Berlin, Germany, Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Acoustics
​Feb 2020 – Jan 2021

Research Associate (on sabbatical leave)

  • Researcher in one (1) project link

University of Cyprus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
June 2008 – May 2012

Special Scientist, Research Associate

  • Researcher in three (3) projects link

  • Lecturer of 4 Energy and Fluid Mechanics related courses in 2 programs of study (Civil and Environmental Engineering, MSc in Sustainable Energy and the Built Environment) link

  • Supervisor of five (5) student’s final year projects and MSc thesis link

Engler Bunte Institute, Karlsruhe University, Germany
November 2002 – July 2007

Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)

  • Researcher in three (3) projects (full position researcher under BAT IIa tariff) link

  • Teaching assistant in five (5) Energy, Fluid Mechanics and Process Engineering related courses in 2 programs of study (Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) link

  • Supervisor of two (2) final year project thesis link

RD Hydraulis Ltd, Cyprus
January 2008 – October 2012

Building Services and Renewable Energy Technologies Consultant

  • Founder and CEO of RD Hydraulis Ltd, an engineering consulting company in the field of Building Services, Renewable Energy Technologies and Environmental Engineering link

  • Design and commissioning of mechanical engineering related building services in ca. 50 projects (mainly residential buildings)

  • Energy performance certification of ca. 60 projects (residential and commercial buildings, including headquarters of CNP Insurance in Cyprus, presidential palace event hall, Metrology headquarters)

  • Pre-engineering, design and commissioning of renewable energy technologies projects with a total installed capacity of > 1.2 MWp (photovoltaics, solar thermal, biomass)

  • Preparation and delivery of ca. 10 environmental impact assessment studies (mainly related to renewable energy technologies projects). link

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